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B2B Marketing

Setting Realistic Digital Marketing Conversion Expectations

Everything in sales revolves around the end result; the number of clients which are converted from the leads generated. When working with corporate buyers, the sales cycle is often lengthy. It is seldom that a buyer makes an impulse decision. In fact, according to MarketingSherpa in 2009, B2B sales take nearly 12 months on average to convert to customers. As with any marketing campaign, it is important to set realistic expectations about what type of end-result can be expected.

According to research performed by MarketingSherpa in 2009, the following conversion times can be expected based upon B2B lead conversions surveyed:

  • 1 month- 17%
  • 2 months- 14%
  • 3 months- 26%
  • 6 months- 22%
  • 12 month- 10%
  • >12 months- 11%

While the data shows varying lengths of time for customer conversion, the majority of B2B leads convert to clients within the initial 6 months of contact. However, it clearly pays to continue to market to leads that have yet to convert by this time frame, as additional sales can still occur well past twelve months of contact.

Take a Closer Look at your Digital Lead Conversion Techniques

How do you currently convert customers? What types of programs do you currently have in place to keep in contact with your base of prospects?

While traditional marketing techniques can still lead to prospect conversions, digital marketing techniques also present strong opportunities for conversion, often at a fraction of the cost. Consider the following digital marketing methods for dripping warm leads:

  • Email Campaigns– Establish an ongoing email messaging campaign to send to your prospect base. Offer information, web tutorials, promotions and discounts and any other type of information that could provide value and be of interest to your ideal prospect. The more touches that you have with a prospect, the greater opportunity your organization has for a successful sale.
  • Social Media Posts– Encourage prospects to “follow” or “like” you on popular social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Post links to industry news and information, messages from your organization’s President regarding the state of your business, and offer discounts or special promotions to a limited number of friends/followers. Social media is an inexpensive way to stay connected with not only your prospect base, but your current customers.
  • Offer Information as an Incentive– Depending upon your respective industry, information could present an      opportunity for additional lead capture via your company’s website.  Ebooks, white papers, special reports, webinar series and a special article series each present the opportunity to exchange quality information for a customer’s contact information.

Setting realistic lead conversion expectations is key when managing your lead conversion campaigns. Stay connected with your prospect base using a combination of traditional and digital marketing techniques to increase the likelihood of prospect conversion.

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