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Social Media Marketing

Using Pinterest’s Marketing Analytics

Until recently, the world’s third largest social network didn’t offer what many businesses were seeking- marketing analytics specific to the platform. Now, businesses using the platform for connecting with consumers and for marketing purposes can gather and analyze critical metrics for online activity.

 What is Pinterest?

What is Pinterest? It is a platform that enables people to collect and organize the things they love online. It is that simple.

When someone finds something they like online, they can simply ‘pin-it’. Once they complete this step, the information or imagery is added to their Pinterest account where it can then be organized onto an existing board or new board, often organized by theme.

What started out as merely a way to share hobbies and information has now revolutionized the way in which businesses can market online. Today, people of all kinds are using Pinterest to capture information, ideas, photographs, how-to’s, blog posts, articles and other interesting content found online to their personalized boards. And as consumers have been collecting and pinning information, businesses have now found methods of capitalizing on this new type of consumer behavior. To begin, businesses must integrate the ‘Pin-it’ button into their website, blog, marketing materials etc. online. With this button, consumers can easily add discovered content onto their Pinterest boards. To better understand their individual consumer’s behavior, businesses can now review marketing behaviors using the platform’s marketing analytics tool in order to modify and implement new concepts, techniques and when developing and sharing content online.

Pinterest’s Marketing Analytics Tool

Now that Pinterest has launched an internal methodology for collecting information about their pins, they can better customize their online marketing efforts.

A few of the platform’s marketing metrics include:

  • An accurate accounting of how many people are pinning content from your pages/boards as well as what they are pinning. Businesses can select a timeframe to analyze, giving them much needed information about the effectiveness of not only what they are posting on Pinterest, but what people are choosing to pin from their website directly.
  • A look into what people are pinning in general. What types of pins are seeing the most repins? Who are pinning them? And, what else are people pinning in addition to these? Understanding consumer behavior enables businesses to better customize their website and subsequently their Pinterest boards.

 To see Pinterest’s marketing analytics dashboard, businesses must first verify their site and general information in addition to switching to the platform’s new look. For more information about how to integrate Pinterest features and functionality into your business’s site, simply visit their free widget builder page located at:

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